Exploring the Link Between PCOS and Hirsutism: Insights and Solutions for Women's Health

Do you have unwanted hair on your face, breasts, or belly? This is one of the most frustrating and emotionally painful symptoms of PCOS for many women. Not only does hair grow where you don’t want it, but many women also lose hair where they do want it. In women with PCOS, this is called Hirsutism. Not all women with PCOS experience Hirsutism the same way; it varies significantly from woman to woman. The primary cause of Hirsutism is elevated androgen hormones. Androgen Hormones are male hormones such as testosterone and DHEA.

These hormones get wonky in women with PCOS due to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when the body is no longer as sensitive to the signals of the hormone insulin. Because Hirsutism is caused by insulin resistance, it makes sense that adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle to support blood sugar balance is essential.

There are some strategies for removing unwanted hair safely and naturally without medications such as: electrolysis laser , hair removal, waxing and tweezing

Many women find relief from natural supplements.. Here are few supplements that help with PCOS

Licorice Root

Licorice plays a significant role in helping the body maintain proper hormone production and hormone release. In one study, licorice lowered total testosterone levels in women with PCOS after one month, and testosterone levels returned to normal after discontinuation (Grant & Ramasamy, 2012)

Maca Root

Maca works by naturally balancing your estrogen and progesterone levels, which in turn facilitates a healthy menstrual cycle, especially for women with PCOS. It does not contain any hormones by itself. Maca works by nourishes the endocrine system and helping the adrenals adapt to stress.

White Peony + Licorice

When the white peony is combined with licorice, it becomes highly effective in relaxing muscles, reducing painful menstruation, and lowering serum and testosterone levels in women with PCOS. White peony has shown to reduce androgen levels in vitro.


*Do not use if you have high prolactin or high LH levels. Vitex, or chaste tree berry, is a potent herb for women’s menstrual health. It works for women with imbalance by going straight to the source and working on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, correcting the problem there. In this way, it has a direct effect on the hormonal feedback loop. Best taken only during the second half of the cycle.


A quality multi will go a long way in decreasing the effects of PCOS and assuring nutritional status.  

Disclaimer: These are some of the supplements that may be useful. Don’t use all of these at once! Be strategic when selecting supplements. This information is for educational purposes only and does not take the place of medical advice. Always consult your primary health care provider before taking supplements.

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