Healthy Alternatives To Refined Sugar for Hormonal Support

Healthy Alternatives To Refined Sugar for

Hormonal Support

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Want to kick your sugar habit but still satisfy your sweet tooth? Then you’re in luck. Below Dr. LuLu will be discussing five healthy, natural alternatives to refined sugar and how sugar impacts the hormones. Use them to sweeten your coffee, add extra flavor to your yogurt or whenever you want to add a touch of sweetness to your dish without indulging in refined sugar.

How does sugar cause havoc on the hormones?

When you consume sugar, your immune system is depressed for many hours, meaning you are more susceptible to catching an illness while on your sugar high. Refined sugar is known for overtaxing the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands regulate cortisol, the stress hormone, and aldosterone, which controls your blood pressure. Sugar also distresses the function of the thyroid gland which secretes hormones responsible for maintaining your metabolism, weight, digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Cortisol levels rise when there is an increase in blood sugar levels, which means our stress levels become less manageable, and we feel wired, tired and anxious.

Avoid Foods with Added Sugar

Higher consumption of foods rich in added sugar (sugar and sweets, and sugar-sweetened beverages) was positively related to the atherogenic lipid profile which was composed of high levels of triglycerides and small LDL and lower HDL-C concentrations. Did you know that a lower level of HDL cholesterol leads to a lower production of hormones. This is just one of the reasons why a reduction in carbohydrates and refined sugar improves hormonal balance.

Healthy Alternatives to Refined Sugar


Stevia is one of the most popular natural sweeteners. This herb which comes from South America is 300 times sweeter than refined sugar. It contains zero calories, so is a great choice if you’re trying to lose weight. Plus, it has no glycemic impact, so it’s a perfect refined sugar alternative if you’re diabetic. Stevia is also very easy to digest which means you won’t suffer from any of the digestive problems that are often associated with sugar substitutes.

Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is created by heating the sap from coconut palms. Unlike refined sugar, coconut sugar doesn’t de-stabilize your energy levels, so is ideal if you want to stay productive and focused during the day. Like stevia, it’s also a great choice if you suffer from diabetes because it won’t disrupt your blood sugar levels. Another great thing about coconut sugar is that it supplies your body with nutrients as it sweetens and is a good source of calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.

Date Sugar

Date sugar is made by grinding down dehydrated dates into sugar sized granules. As you’d expect from the production process, it has the same rich and sweet flavor of fresh dates, and shares all their health benefits. These health benefits include promoting healthy digestion, strengthening your heart and lowering your blood pressure. The main negative of date sugar is that it doesn’t melt or dissolve easily, so it’s not a good choice if you want to sweeten your drinks.


Honey is sweeter than refined sugar and has a much greater range of health benefits. It contains high levels of vitamins and minerals which support many vital processes within the body. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so is a perfect sweetener for boosting your immunity. Unlike refined sugar, honey is also great for your skin and can help make it brighter, smoother and more radiant. It tastes great in tea and can also be used as a replacement for sugar in many recipes.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup contains around half the calories of refined sugar and is a much more nutritious choice. It’s loaded with antioxidants which protect your body’s cells from damage and reduce the visible signs of aging. Maple syrup is also a brilliant source of the manganese and zinc which boost your metabolism and your immune system. In addition to this, it’s great for your skin and can protect against skin blemishes, dry skin and redness. Finally, maple syrup has been shown to protect against a range of chronic ailments and diseases including arthritis, cancer, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease and heart disease.

Learn more about how sugar impacts the hormones at Dr. LuLu’s upcoming webinar

5 Reasons to Ditch Sugar to Balance Your Hormones

When: Monday 2/1/21 @ 5pm EST

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Bonus all registrations receive a free Sugar Detox for Hormones Ebook!